Guys do certain little mistakes which can avoided and in the process boost the "fun time" while with your woman or women. But it is unfortunate that guys still do these simple and little mistakes that tend to destroy the moment when with women.
So guys, today i will be revealing to you certain mistakes guys make while having "fun" with women or your woman.
8.Avoiding other part of her Body
Guys usually make the mistake of not exploring other parts of the woman's body which are equally arousing just as the downtown Virginia[Vagina] instead he straight to the Vagina. Yes it is true that it is the most sensitive and arousing part of the woman but explore other parts and you will be shocked at her responses.
7. Squeezing her Breast
Most men squeeze a woman's breast like they are eating oranges. No, that shouldn't be the case, instead be gentle, and caress the breast giving her that sensual feeling.
6.Taking your pants off first
Men are usually in a hurry to get the action done quickly, so instead of patiently and romantically taking of their clothes they go straight down for their trousers and underpants, Goossh...!!! At least be a little gentle and patient. You can first of all help your woman of out of hers and even it is more sensual and romantic when she takes off your underpants.
5.Going too fast and hard
Guys have this perception that f**king her fast and hard will give an orgasm or make you the "ORGA" when it comes to pleasuring women. This is absolutely a misconception. Going too fast and hard may spoil the moment. It is better to build up slowly and gradually increase tempo.
4.Coming too soon
Every guy wants to last longer in bed and ensure that their woman is satisfied but the fear is when you come too early. This disrupts the moment and you may even feel embarrassed but don't be, quickly devise a back up plan to ensure that you give your woman the pleasure she needs.
3.Not caring whether she climaxed
If she hasn't climaxed yet, guys don't stop ensure she does. You have to keeping trying and ensure you finish the job. When she climax, you will eventually know.
2. Thanking her
Don't thank a woman for having sex with you, it kind of weird or let awkward to say "Thank You" after a hot bout of sex. Come on...!!! Are buying food from the restaurant or something.
1.Not warning her before you come
The taste of semen varies from guy to guy and most of all, not every woman likes the taste. So when she is giving you the downward action at least give her a heads up before you come so she can be prepared for it.
So, there you have it mistakes guys make while having fun with their woman or women. Hope you pick up something, and you will be working on yourself to resolved them.
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