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    Wednesday, 20 May 2015

    Leaked Video:University Lecturer Caught Frolicking With Female Student In His Office

    60 year old lecturer of Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny in Abidjan was filmed by one of an anonymous student who actually leaked the video. Professor Jacob was busted while frolicking with a female student whom he threatened to fail if she refuses to grant his devilish request.

    The anonymous student who followed up the scene was just passing when he heard the lecturer compromising the female student. So the anonymous student quickly climbed through the office back roof where he was lucky enough to capture the scene of tape.

    Professor Jacob's needed to be exposed because he's been a very wicked and shameless lecturer who doesn't pass any female student he likes without getting her laid. What a wicked world! Well, this serves him better as the school authorities have already seen the video and he's probably being prosecuted.

    To Watch And Download The Video CLICK HERE
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